Picture of a lake in Canada

IDAT 102 - Processing Data Visualisation

March 20, 2011

For my next IDAT 102 assignment we have to create a visual representation of the Arch-OS weather feed. Processing is an open source programming language with syntax similar to that of Java, this is the language that we will be using to create our visiulisation, it is well documented on their website and has a large userbase which means if you encounter a problem that you cant solve by using the documentation there will most likely be another user who is willing to help.

To get an idea of what was possible with Processing I had a look around the internet for examples of Processing http://www.openprocessing.org/ is one such site, another advantage is that all sketches have links to the source code, which means you can see exactly how each sketch is working (A sketch is the Processing term for a program created with Processing).

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